The Pacific Balanced Fund Project Runway showcased 11 local designers and their talent for fashion. The event held recently at Crowne Plaza in Port Moresby allowed the designers to create 3 pieces each in the following categories with cash prizes as required by the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant Committee (MPIP).

Best Sarong Wear – K3, 000

Best Day/ Evening wear – K3, 000

Best Traditional Inspired Dress – K4, 000 includes a return trip to Fiji to be stylist for Miss PNG in the Pacific Islands Pageant later this year.

This year also saw Lava girl – Annette Sete participate in the runway project for the first time “Project runway is a show of culture in fashion. Something we strongly believe in and like other PNG designers, we find inspiration in PNG’s rich culture. It is a community event as well as a tourism event and we’re truly honored to participate,” said Sete.

The objectives of the Miss Pacific Islands pageant (MPIP) project runway is to select outfits for Miss PNG, our entrant to the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant, provide a platform to our local designers to showcase their garments and to create awareness for the pageant and its scholarship funding which PBF continues to support for the empowerment of young female Papua New Guineans as well as using using events as such we hope we can locate those unit holders who invested in the fund to come forward and claim their shares.

PBF would like to congratulate the winners:

Best Sarong Wear – YANAH (Tetiyanah Copeland)

Best Day/Evening Wear – BAIWA (Natasha Tamanabae)

Best Traditional Inspired Dress – WANTOK CLOTHING (Genevieve Igara Falavae)

Congratulations to the other designers who were a part of this project and received a consolation prize of K2000 each.

Annette Sete – LAVAGIRL

Yakusau No – PNG Fashion International

Miriam Xkenjik – DeSTYLES

Cynthia Chapman – SERAGODA

Anna Amos – AA TRIABL

Elizabeth Omeri – DENANI

Luania Temu – U’itiki

Tabu Pelei Warupi – TABU

More Details On the PBF Website

Formerly known as Investment Corporation Fund Papua New Guinea (ICFPNG)