PBF commits to Life Care PNG

Hope for a permanent home for 50 children at Life Care Gerehu is a little closer following a visit by Miss Pacific Balanced Fund (PBF) today.

As a sign of continued commitment, on behalf of Pacific Balanced Fund Miss PBF Renee Siaguru visited the Life Care PNG with a few of the staff and met with the children, the director of Life Care PNG Mr. Colin Pake and his wife Freda Kalop to show this support and make cheque presentation of K15, 000 which goes towards platinum sponsorship of the Life Care fundraising dinner next month. Miss Siaguru encouraged the children to be inspired and motivated, work hard in school and believe that they can achieve anything they want too in life.

Many of us are fortunate to have a sense of belonging to a family if not close family, then extended family. Sadly, like anywhere else in the world we now have more abandoned children left to fend for themselves out on the streets. If it weren’t for the good work of Life Care PNG, close to 50 children wouldn’t be given a home to live in or feel that they belong to one.

For 3 years now, PBF has committed to assisting Life Care PNG with their fundraising dinner, this year the funds will go towards a new home. Mr. Pake thanked MTSL and PBF management for their continued support with their projects.

Miss PBF Renee Siaguru (centre) with staff of PBF, Colin Pake – Director of Life Care PNG, his wife (right) and the children who reside at the Life Care PNG at Gerehu


Formerly known as Investment Corporation Fund Papua New Guinea (ICFPNG)